Metalic spherical attachments have been in existence for many years. But these attachments where not widely
accepted, by the dental professionists. Then came the idea to render these mechanisms elastic!
Smooth the head of the sphere and construct an elastic cap as a result of these innovative changes this technique to day is amongst the most widely used.Rhein83 has been in business since 1983 and today these products have been copied throughout the entire world, copies that in many cases reflect the forms of the objects but not the materials they are made from, and therefore it significantly changes the functional result.Research is not only oriented towards the study of new products, but also continually trying to perfect those that havebeen used for many years. Dental attachments are small mechanisms subjected to continuous movement, stresses and oral changing, requiring periodic maintenance and revisions. Some products in this have been made for maintaining and restoring the functionality, to all the prostheses, directly while they are in the mouth of the patients. The commitment of Rhein’83 with its knowledge and skills continually being enriched by the contributions of dentists and laboratory technicians, is to be able to improve the actual standards and develop new products by means of original projects.