OT BRIDGE technique: Fixed prosthesis restorations

Rhein83 Ot Bridge technique is adaptable to all types of dental implants, including unknow ones!
The real innovation behind the technique is the adaptability of the OT Equator abutment as a MUA component.
The versatility of this solution is the chance to treat both removable and fixed restorations with the same narrow profile titanium abutment.
This allows the professional to save materials, reduce the number of tools and working times both with traditional and digital techniques.

Learn more about this innovative technique with the step by step manual available!

Contact us at: ti.38niehrobfsctd-2f9b62@kcin

Working side by side in the research with my associates we can consider today the OT Bridge system as a highly valuable and trustable solution both for implant retained overdenture and fixed prosthetics.

We focused our studies on the mechanical stresses and resistances over long periods taking into account the complete dental implant – OT Equator abutment – framework system. The advantages we noticed are related to the improved stability provided by the implant – OT Equator – Framework system to all the prosthetic screws and to the framework it self counting today on a structured and long term clinical follow up for the evaluations.

Prof. Santo Catapano

I am currently using today the OT-Bridge protocol in the large majority of my clinical cases, regardless of implant placement, as I’m able to count on the biological advantages offered by this technique.

A game-changing aspect is the aesthetic value given by the different heights available for OT Equator abutments, while the heights of "classic" angled MUAs almost always exceed the soft tissues ones, compromising aesthetics and hygiene.

The tightening of the OT Equator abutment allows to avoid unscrewing issues, which is often frequent with locking screws and MUAs. and to avoid also most of the stresses, thanks toThe Seeger components are avoiding also the majority of the stresses offering a considerable overall advantage.

Prof. Massimo Pasi

I consider today the Ot Equator abutment a fundamental part of my procedures, specially on immediate loading treatments. This is due to it’s simplicity and immediate application as a prosthetic solution. I can deliver to the dentist a perfect structure both functionally and aesthetically. The chance to use the Seeger component allows me to avoid using other screws in the channel offering an important overall advantage. Considering the digital work-flow, working with Cad Software, I can count on a unique solution adaptable to all the implant systems. I’m not forced to choose among multiple libraries as I can plan the prosthetic project, bot in fixed and removable treatments, counting on a single Scan-Abutment file with simplified working methods!

MDT Gianluca Lombardo


FORM OT BRIDGE - La protesi fissa di Rhein83 (ENG)


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