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Ot Cap counts on over 38 years of success in removable denture restorations. This attachment was designed with the intent to offer stability with minimal trauma achieved for the patient counting on the combination of unique design and materials. OT Cap spherical attachment offers a one-year duration time of all the female caps with the same functionality and no need to replacements.

Contact us at: ti.38niehrobfsctd-5c024e@kcin


  • Micro OT Cap Line (red color) counts on a 1,8 mm diameter with minimal encumbrance and superior aesthetic result.
  • The Normo Line (green color) has a larger diameter of 2,5 mm offering superior stability and retention to the denture.


Extra Coronal OT Cap Castable Attachment – Partial Denture

The extra-coronal OT Cap castable attachments can be used in combined prosthesis, frames, connecting bars on natural teeth, roots and implant retained overdenture. When designing rigid structure prosthetic projects, counting on the appropriate milling and counterattacks, the attachments will offer a retentive stabilizer button functionality. In resilient prosthetics projects, without milling, OT Cap attachments work with shock-like yielding functionality due to the flat head on top of the sphere and the elastic retentive caps.

Single Castable OT Cap Pivot – Roots Overdenture

In overdenture restorations, the use of the flat head sphere with the designed elastic component  (with spherical internal design), allows to preserve the integrity and functionality of the cap improving the comfort of the patient in the masticatory phases. This application for roots allows to count on reduced working times offering an high quality and functional solution with satisfactory aesthetic standard.

Milled Titanium Ot Cap Techno Spherical Attachment – Partial Denture

The precision of the milled components is combined to the functionality of the spherical attachment. OT CAP TECNO attachments must be considered precision attachments. The titanium sphere and the titanium ring incorporated in the nylon cap are mechanically constructed with calculated tolerances that ensure good accuracy. In addition, there is no risk of wear during the sandblasting, polishing and casting processes, as the sphere is fixed parallel to the die only when the work is completed.

Milled Titanium Ot Cap Attachment – Bar Retained Overdenture

OT Cap Micro and Normo attachments are available also as milled ca-cam bars solution. Manufactured in titanium (with TIN Coating) they can be used with a 1,6 mm thread together with the designed sleeve to be bonded. At the same time the professional can use the 2,0 mm thread version (on both attachments) and screw directly the component to the bar. All the Ot Cap attachment files are available in the most important digital libraries.

“The OT Cap attachment system offers the complete versatility I was looking for in my dental lab. We are able to develop any type of prosthetic project spacing from partial denture to implantology always counting on the same standard of performance and functionality!”

Mdt Carlo Borroemo

“I’m working with different digital cad-cam software and I can adapt any type of project counting on the Ot Cap attachments! This helps my profession as the files are always available, easy to download with practical and immediate adaptation to any case!”

Mdt Emanuele Giunchi

“Overdenture retained restoration are offering high levels and standards of satisfaction to my patients. I love the OT Cap attachment system with his simplicity and practical work-flow offering me predictable and repeatable results in the day to day practice. The multiple applications and diameters available allow me to adapt the prosthetic project according to each patient with simplicity and reduced working times. ”

Dr. Gabriele Vaccaro

“I can count today on a 15 years follow up clinical experience in multiple cases treated with the OT Cap System. I can confirm the absolute quality and functionality of the technology over time. The biggest advantage is the opportunity to chance the elastic components only once every year counting on the same level of elastic functionality and no loss of retention with the denture”

Dr. Marco Lolli

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