• 2 October Bologna
    Fabio Damiano
  • 12-13 November Bologna Arabic Course
    Ahmad Taha / Fabio Damiano


9.00 am  Work beginning

  • OT Bridge technical presentation, advantages, differences and peculiarities compared to traditional techniques
  • Operational protocol
  • Construction of a “toronto bridge” on a "all on four" model with castable and titanium components
  • Protocol for an OT Bridge project with digital technique: differences and advantages compared to the analog technique.

1.00 pm  Break

2.00 pm  Part two

  • Modeling a toronto bridge
  • Immediate loading with OT Bridge
  • Framework preparation with titanium abutments, passing holes
  • TBar –wire reinforced
  • Clinical cases
  • Discussion

6.00 pm  End of the works

info and contacts

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