The correct approach to partial denture restorations starts with a precise evaluation of each prosthetic project. The patient features and expectations have an important role in defining the choice of the components, the treatment plan and the elements retaining the prosthesis.

Castable attachments are offering multiple technical and clinical advantages to the professional counting on different designs, diameters and elastic retentions available.

One of the most important aspects is the opportunity to count on elastic caps and clips lasting one year in the patient’s mouth by offering the same level of performance and functionality!

By choosing Rhein83 solutions in partial dentures restorations you will count on 4 important advantages:

  1. The chance to work both with traditional and digital cad-cam applications (all dental libraries)

  2. The constant technical support of the Rhein83 technicians for planning each technical-prosthetic project.

  3. The opportunity to attend practical hands-on courses held by the most skilled speakers

  4. The technical advantage to use the castable components in combination with all the different implant systems and platforms.

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Expert Feedbacks’

I consider removable dentures as a valid treatment plan for my patients allowing to reach a satisfactory aesthetic and functional result. The spherical attachments used in roots overdenture restorations are providing a superior retention and comfort for the patient!

Dr Gabriele Vaccaro

The reduced design of the micro-vertical attachments allow me to reach a superior aesthetic result with great satisfaction of the patients!

Dr Marco Lolli

I consider the single-side denture, with the OT Unilateral system, a great support to my practice facing particular clinical cases where the implant therapy is not possible!

Dr Roberto Scrascia

Saving time and materials in my working routine is the day to day goal. These attachments system answer perfectly to my technical needs.

Mdt Salvatore Chimez

I like the idea of personalization in my prosthetic projects. The versatility of the castable attachments, counting on multiple designs and diameters, allows me to improve the results with great satisfaction by the dentist.

Mdt Fabrizio Coppola

No dublication of the master model (OT Bridge), no milling procedure required (OT Strategy), reduced dimensions and improved stability (OT Equator), what else could I ask for!?

Mdt Luca Cattin

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