Rhein83 Days – 7ª edición
12-14 de junio de 2024
Participe en la séptima edición de Rhein83 Days, un prestigioso evento para profesionales de la odontología. Celebrado del 12 al 14 de junio de 2025 en el exclusivo Hotel Savoia Regency, este evento reúne a destacados odontólogos y protésicos dentales durante tres días de inmersión en el aprendizaje y la creación de redes.
El programa comienza el 12 de junio con talleres prácticos, que ofrecen a los participantes la oportunidad de adquirir conocimientos prácticos sobre las últimas innovaciones odontológicas.
Los días 13 y 14 de junio tendrá lugar el congreso principal, en el que expertos ofrecerán conferencias, presentaciones y debates sobre técnicas avanzadas y nuevas tendencias del sector.
Habrá traducción simultánea al inglés durante todo el acto, lo que garantizará la accesibilidad a un público internacional.
100 Euros
El paquete SILVER incluye:
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Acceso al Congreso Rhein83 Days 2025
13 DE JUNIO DE 2025, VIERNES - 9,00 h / 18,00 h
09,00 Inauguración del congreso
09,10 E.Mancuso
09,40 A.Motroni
10,10 G.Allais and L.Santocchi 10,50 C.Nannini
11,30 E.Ferrari and E.Giunchi
12,00 F.Bambini
12,30 G.Cannizzaro
13,30 Almuerzo
2,30pm Dr. L.Lavorgna
3,10pm Dr. A.Cupo and Dr. F.Barbarulo
3,50pm Dr. M.De Francesco and Dt. C.Baroncini
4,30pm Dr. M.Piscopo and Dt. L.Ruggiero
5,10pm Prof. A.E.Fayyad
5,40pm Dr. M.Sandulescu
19,00 Cena de gala ofrecida a todos los participantes
14 JUNIO 2025, SÁBADO - 9,00 h / 13,00 h
9,00 Dt. Gianni Storni
9,15 Prof. S.Catapano and Dt. C.Borromeo
10,00 Dr. G.Cannizzaro, Dr. E.Ferrari and Dr. R.Nardi
Cirugía en directo en el paciente
• Cupón para productos Rhein83*.
• Cena de gala el viernes 13 de junio de 2025
*El cupón es exclusivo para los participantes en el evento
150 Euros
El paquete GOLD incluye:
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Inscripción en el taller
JUEVES 12 DE JUNIO DE 2025 - 14,30 / 18,30
Cursos precongreso
La evolución en la cirugía guiada por prótesis: aspectos clínicos y técnicos con protocolos eficaces y repetibles - C.Borromeo, F.Borzì e D. Di Paola
Vía biológica clínica para la rehabilitación de arco completo - S.Catapano e L.Santocchi
Rehabilitación implanto-protésica a través de un flujo digital completo: el enfoque clínico y el proyecto técnico - M.Tallarico, M.Montanari, R.Acampora e S.Fedi
La prótesis sobredentadura moderna: de los aditamentos individuales a las barras, entre lo analógico y lo digital - R.Scrascia e P.Lacasella
19.00 Aperitivo ofrecido a todos los participantes
Access to Rheindays 2025 Congress
JUNE 13th2025, FRIDAY - 9,00 am / 6,00 pm
09,00 Opening of the congress
09,10 E.Mancuso
09,40 A.Motroni
10,10 G.Allais and L.Santocchi 10,50 C.Nannini
11,30 E.Ferrari and E.Giunchi
12,00 F.Bambini
12,30 G.Cannizzaro
13,30 Lunch
2,30pm Dr. L.Lavorgna
3,10pm Dr. A.Cupo and Dr. F.Barbarulo
3,50pm Dr. M.De Francesco and Dt. C.Baroncini
4,30pm Dr. M.Piscopo and Dt. L.Ruggiero
5,10pm Prof. A.E.Fayyad
5,40pm Dr. M.Sandulescu
7,00pm Gala dinner offered to all participants
JUNE 14th2025, SATURDAY - 9,00 am / 1,00 pm
9,00 Dt. Gianni Storni
9,15 Prof. S.Catapano and Dt. C.Borromeo
10,00 Dr. G.Cannizzaro, Dr. E.Ferrari and Dr. R.Nardi
Live surgery on patient
• Cupón para productos Rhein83*.
• Cena de gala el viernes 13 de junio de 2025
*El cupón es exclusivo para los participantes en el evento
(3 noches de hotel+Taller+Congreso)
A partir de 600 euros
El paquete PLATINUM incluye:
Haga clic en el signo + para ver todos los detalles.
Inscripción en el taller
JUEVES 12 DE JUNIO DE 2025 - 14,30 / 18,30
Cursos precongreso
La evolución en la cirugía guiada por prótesis: aspectos clínicos y técnicos con protocolos eficaces y repetibles - C.Borromeo, F.Borzì e D. Di Paola
Vía biológica clínica para la rehabilitación de arco completo - S.Catapano e L.Santocchi
Rehabilitación implanto-protésica a través de un flujo digital completo: el enfoque clínico y el proyecto técnico - M.Tallarico, M.Montanari, R.Acampora e S.Fedi
The modern overdenture prosthesis: from single attachments to bars, between analog and digital - R.Scrascia e P.Lacasella
19.00 Aperitivo ofrecido a todos los participantes
Acceso al Congreso Rheindays 2025
13 DE JUNIO DE 2025, VIERNES - 9,00 h / 18,00 h
09,00 Inauguración del congreso
09,10 E.Mancuso
09,40 A.Motroni
10,10 G.Allais and L.Santocchi 10,50 C.Nannini
11,30 E.Ferrari and E.Giunchi
12,00 F.Bambini
12,30 G.Cannizzaro
13,30 Almuerzo
2,30pm Dr. L.Lavorgna
3,10pm Dr. A.Cupo and Dr. F.Barbarulo
3,50pm Dr. M.De Francesco and Dt. C.Baroncini
4,30pm Dr. M.Piscopo and Dt. L.Ruggiero
5,10pm Prof. A.E.Fayyad
5,40pm Dr. M.Sandulescu
7,00pm Cena de gala ofrecida a todos los participantes
14 de junio de 2025, SÁBADO - 9.00 am / 1.00 pm
9,00 Dt. Gianni Storni
9,15 Prof. S.Catapano and Dt. C.Borromeo
10,00 Dr. G.Cannizzaro, Dr. E.Ferrari and Dr. R.Nardi
Cirugía en vivo en el paciente
Alojamiento de 3 noches en un hotel*.
Alojamiento con desayuno en habitación DUS* (doble uso individual)
Entrada jueves 12/06/2025; Salida domingo 15/06/2025
Una vez confirmada la inscripción, se le asignará uno de los hoteles asociados para el evento Rheindays, sujeto a disponibilidad.
Tenga en cuenta que la asignación se hará según el orden de reserva y la disponibilidad de las instalaciones y que las fechas de entrada y salida no son modificables.
*Es posible añadir un acompañante no participante en la conferencia seleccionando "Acompañante" en el momento de la salida.
La tarifa de acompañante de 200 euros incluye: estancia en hotel en habitación doble o twin con el participante, acceso a la cena de gala del viernes 13 de junio.
La cuota de acompañante NO da derecho al participante a acceder al congreso Rheindays.
• Cupón para productos Rhein83*.
• Cena de gala el viernes 13 de junio de 2025
*El cupón es exclusivo para los participantes en el acto
El jueves por la tarde, de 14.30 a 18.30 horas, se celebrarán cuatro talleres Rheindays 2025 previos a la conferencia en el Hotel Savoia Regency.
Dado que se celebrarán simultáneamente, sólo es posible inscribirse en una de ellas. Cada taller ofrece actualizaciones de alto nivel, una oportunidad única para enriquecer sus conocimientos antes del congreso.
Todos los talleres se impartirán en italiano y se traducirán simultáneamente al inglés.
• TALLER 1: Evolución de la cirugía guiada por prótesis: aspectos clínicos y técnicos con protocolos eficaces y repetibles - C. Borromeo, F.Borzì e D. Di Paola
• TALLER 2: Vía biológica clínica para la rehabilitación de arco completo - S.Catapano, L.Santocchi
• TALLER 3: Rehabilitación implanto-protésica a través de un flujo digital completo: el enfoque clínico y el diseño técnico - M.Tallarico, M.Montanari, R.Acampora, S.Fedi
• TALLER 4: La sobredentadura protésica moderna: de los aditamentos individuales a las barras, entre lo analógico y lo digital - R.Scrascia, P.Lacasella
La evolución en la cirugía guiada por prótesis: aspectos clínicos y técnicos con protocolos eficaces y repetibles
C.Borromeo, F.Borzì e D.Di Paola
The OBJECTIVE of the course is to provide trainees with the skills to develop simple or complex surgical treatment plans and prosthetic rehabilitations through a fully digital workflow, using proven and predictable protocols.
The course is ADDRESSED for both dentists and dental technicians.
Starting with the use of CBCT, all steps will be implemented, from programming using REAL GUIDE software, digital prosthetic set up in collaboration with the technician, to implement surgery that is prosthetically guided, surgical template programming and implant component selection, pure surgical steps to end with prosthetic restoration insertion.
- The rationale for prosthetically guided surgery.
- Collection of reports: CBCT, intraoral scans, facial scans, dynamic motion recordings
- Aesthetic-functional previsualization (mockup-mounting teeth)
- REAL GUIDE software and introduction to using and managing files
- Waxup design, prosthetic design and surgical kit selection
- Modeling and printing of the surgical template using REAL GUIDE software
- Fabrication of the immediately loaded prosthetic restoration according to virtual design
- Choice of implant components: OT-BRIDGE and MUA
- Bar and prosthetic framework design with bonding t-base
- Bar and prosthetic framework design with t-base bonding
- Fabrication of models and prosthesis using digital techniques and new OT-BRIDGE protocols
- Clinical cases
- Clinical part: implant placement, surgical template design
- Dental part: set-up design teeth, bar and prosthetic artifact
Speaker’s resume
Dr. Davide Di Paola
He graduated in Dentistry in 2002 and specialized in Endodontics and Implant Surgery at the universities of Rome and Catania. Freelancer since 2006, he is active in his own practice and collaborates with several facilities. Since 2010, he has been a member of ITI (International Team for Implantology) and has been dedicated to 3D guided implant-prosthetic surgery since 2016. In 2019, he received a Master's degree in 3D Computer Guided Surgery from the University of Pisa. He has participated as a speaker in numerous digital surgery courses organized by Sweden & Martina, and has authored articles in peer-reviewed journals. Since 2022, he has held a permanent contract at the ASP facilities in Catania. He has been collaborating with Rhein83 since 2023 on full arch digital and guided surgery, using advanced technologies such as the OT Bridge C.I. system.
Odt. Carlo Borromeo
He graduated in Dental Technology in 1983 and started his own laboratory in 1988, specializing in implant prosthetics and Cad-Cam technologies. Over the years, he has forged partnerships with companies in the industry, becoming an expert in merceology, ceramics and frameworks on implants. He has taken advanced courses, including a course in prosthetic reconstruction on implants with R. Polcan and a course in ceramics with Oliver Brix. In 1996 he participated in the prestigious Oral Design course at Willi Geller's laboratory in Zurich. He is currently a course tutor in Italy and abroad for Rhein83 and an Antlo lecturer. He is the author of numerous publications and lecturer, and co-author of the book "The Protocol" with Colognesi, Streva, and Liberati. He has published articles on removable prosthetics in various countries, including Canada, the United States, Spain, Portugal, and Russia.
Vía biológica clínica para la rehabilitación de arco completo
S.Catapano e L.Santocchi
The long-term success of oral rehabilitations is closely linked to the correct occlusal integration, in the biological system of the stomatognathic apparatus, of prosthetic restorations. The 'execution of correct anatomy of the occlusal planes associated with the biological concepts related to the function not only masticatory, represent the necessary basis for the clinical finalization of our rehabilitations. In fact, the correct distribution of masticatory loads in a correct myo-articular balance, ensures that our patients can perform their functions correctly, and at the same time improves the long-term durability of our prosthetic artifacts, avoiding mechanical and biological complications. In this workshop, we will discuss the rationale behind the choice of occlusal schemes, dwelling on the reasoned modeling of the bio-functional anatomy of occlusal boards in relation to the morpho-functional characteristics of our patients.
Speaker’s resume
Prof. S. Catapano
Il Prof. Santo Catapano è laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia, specializzato in Odontostomatologia presso l'Università di Torino. Attualmente, è Professore Associato all'Università di Ferrara, dove insegna Protesi Dentaria I, II, III, Materiali Dentari e Tecnologie Protesiche, e Gnatologia nel Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Odontoiatria. Insegna anche Protesi Dentaria e Materiali Dentari nel Corso di Laurea in Igiene Dentale. La sua attività si concentra sulla protesi dentaria e sui disordini craniomandibolari, con impegno clinico, didattico e di ricerca. È full member dell'European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders (EACD) ed è stato Past-President della Società Italiana di Odontostomatologia Protesica ed Implantoprotesi (SIOPI). Autore di numerose pubblicazioni su riviste nazionali e internazionali, è una figura di rilievo nel campo della protesi e dei disturbi craniomandibolari.
Lanfranco Santocchi è nato a Roma. Diplomato presso l’istituto “G. Eastman” nel 1977. Titolare del laboratorio SA.VI.DENT a Roma, dove risiede. All’inizio degli anni ottanta si appassiona in modo particolare allo studio dei denti naturali, per la realizzazione di una protesi funzionale ed estetica con superfici masticatorie fedeli al modello anatomico naturale.
Rehabilitación implanto-protésica a través de un flujo digital completo: el enfoque clínico y el proyecto técnico
M.Tallarico, M.Montanari, R.Acampora e S.Fedi
The advent of the digital world has revolutionized so many aspects of everyday life, and dentistry has been no exception. Recent literature highlights how a fully digital workflow is possible, starting from the acquisition of patient data to the fabrication of the final prosthesis. This approach, not only is important to design and previsualize the final prosthetic result, but also improves surgical precision during implant placement. This is especially important in difficult cases such as edentulous patients or in cases of terminal dentition. Traditional analog methods, while still effective, are becoming less and less accepted by our patients. In addition, a homogeneous digital flow has the advantage that all initial information, including even facial aesthetics, is easily and effectively maintained and transported to the final restoration, thus simplifying communication with the entire team. Combining knowledge with modern technology is the key to long-term success in all medicine, including dentistry. Therefore, the purpose of this course is to provide clear and effective guidelines for the treatment of edentulous or terminally dentitioned patients, from diagnosis, to technical design, to the performance of implant-prosthetic treatment. Much space will be given to digital planning and execution, as well as to the choice of implant design, abutments, which are essential to reduce technical and biological complications, ensuring the long-term success of our restorations.
Course Objectives
- The importance of diagnosis in appropriate treatment choice.
- Data collection and treatment plan design.
- Implant distribution and abutment selection in full arch rehabilitations.
- Treatment planning using modern software
- Performing surgical treatment with conventional and modular templates
- Guidelines for performing immediate loading
- From temporary to permanent in a few simple steps
To whom the course is addressed
The course is aimed at the Dental Team, and in particular at the technical-clinical combination, whether experienced or neophyte. Participants will learn the basics of correct diagnosis. In addition, they will learn a series of technical and clinical recommendations for the proper setting of the treatment plan in the different clinical starting conditions of patients. Next, participants will learn the basics for proper planning and execution of surgical and prosthetic treatment. In particular, they will learn the basics of planning their cases and correctly choosing prosthetic components. Finally, they will learn the management of immediate loading, from post-surgical delivery, to its evolution into final restoration.
Speaker’s resume
Dr. R.Acampora
A graduate in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, with a Diploma as a dental technician, he specializes in Oral Surgery. Currently, he is a Professor at the University of Bari, where he teaches in the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics. He is Director of the Department of Implant Prosthetic Surgery at the ARF in Avellino and has completed a specialization in Periodontology. He also perfected his skills in Oral Implantology in the United States. He is an AISI territorial liaison and a member of prestigious associations such as ANDI and AIOP. A speaker at numerous national and international congresses, he has authored several publications in Italian and international scientific journals, actively contributing to progress in the field of implant-prosthetic surgery.
Dt. S.Fedi
Simone Fedi graduated with honors from I.P.S.I.A. Gaslini in Genoa. After five years as an employee, he started his own business in Pistoia in 2003. Over the years, he has attended numerous specialization courses on removable prostheses, with a focus on total prostheses according to the methods of Prof. A. Gerber and Prof. G. Passamonti. He has also delved into implant prosthesis construction techniques, devoting himself to the study of composite layering techniques, later applying them to removable prostheses. He collaborates with several companies as a consultant in research and development. In 2015, he won first prize in the "1st Transformer Friends Contest," organized by Transformer System, with an article on implant prosthetics. He has successfully run his own business in Pistoia, becoming a reference in the field of removable and implant prosthetics.
Dr. M.Montanari
On October 20, 2005, he graduated with honors in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics from the University of Bologna with a thesis in Endodontics. In July 2009, he earned a doctorate in Dentistry for the Disabled with a thesis on prosthetic and implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of pediatric patients with Ectodermal Dysplasia. Currently, he holds a fellowship and carries out clinical and research activities at the University of Bologna, focusing on implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of pediatric patients with multiple agenesis. He collaborated for about five years with the Department of Clinical Endodontics at the University of Bologna, directed by Prof. Carlo Prati. He has been working as a freelancer in Forlì since 2006 and collaborates in implant and periodontal surgery in several practices in Emilia-Romagna. He specializes in implant and regenerative surgery and was winner of Brugg's Gymnasium competition in 2015. He is author of scientific publications and co-author of the book "Clinical-Technical Aspects of Combined Prosthetics." Since 2021, he has been Professor of Prosthetics at the University of Ferrara.
Dr. M.Tallarico
Prof. Marco Tallarico, a university researcher at the University of Sassari, graduated with honors in Dentistry from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 2000, subsequently earning a Master's degree in Oral Surgery (2003) and a specialization in Odontostomatologic Surgery (2005). He perfected his skills in Periodontology and Implantology at the University of Florence (2006-2007). In 2013, he obtained EAO certification in "Implant-Based Therapy," the first Italian together with Prof. Silvio Mario Meloni. He has received prestigious awards, including the Esculapio Prize for Research (2019) and the Prosthesis Poster Session award at the Nobel Biocare Symposium (2014). He has been a lecturer at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata," Marche Polytechnic University and Aldent University in Tirana. Since 2022 he has been RTDB researcher at the University of Sassari. President of Osstem-AIC Italy, he is an active member of IAO, DDS, EAO and AIOM. An international speaker on implant surgery topics, he has published numerous articles in high-impact factor journals and participated in important research groups as an investigator and principal investigator. He practices in Rome, dealing exclusively with implant surgery and prosthetics.
La prótesis sobredentadura moderna: de los aditamentos individuales a las barras, entre lo analógico y lo digital
R.Scrascia e P.Lacasella
Relevant topics
We will analyze the construction of the overdenture prosthesis, metal reinforcements, and prosthetic structures such as bars and counterbars both handmade and in digital workflow (3d printing and milling). We will emphasize how upper lip support is often essential for the aesthetic and hygienic success of the final work. We will start from temporary prostheses to final ones. We will understand how central to our treatment plans is the evaluation of prosthetic spaces. We will analyze the various forms of overdentures from all angles to fully understand their possible uses in daily clinical practice.
Course objectives
The workshop focuses on overdenture prosthetics. Trainees will have the opportunity to see the analog and digital workflows to achieve successful prosthetic implant treatment, which in multiple clinical conditions is increasingly becoming elective in performance and comfort for our patients. The various types of overdenture will be discussed, from tissue supported and implant retained with Equator and Sphero block attachments to implant supported and implant retained with Rhein83 bar and attachments.
To whom the course is addressed
To whom the course is addressed.
The course is aimed at all dental practitioners and dental technicians who want to acquire modern protocols in overdenture prosthetic design diagnosis and construction flows.
What the trainees will learn
Mastery of diagnostic protocols in complex cases.
Prosthetic and surgical timing.
The choice of prosthetic attachments.
Workflows between office and laboratory to optimize time without losing quality.
There will be a practical part performed by the speakers on the functionalization of an overdenture prosthesis on Equator by Rhein83 attachments.
Speaker’s resume
Dr. R.Scrascia
Roberto Scrascia è un professionista attivo nel campo dell’Odontoiatria, con una solida esperienza in Endodonzia, Implantologia, Patologia Orale e Chirurgia Orale. Dal 2019 è riconosciuto come "Cultore della materia in Odontostomatologia" presso l’Università di Foggia. Nello stesso anno è stato eletto Segretario Culturale di ANDI Taranto, ruolo che conferma il suo impegno per la crescita professionale del settore odontoiatrico.
Dal 2016 è socio ordinario dell’AIOP (Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Protesica) e ha perfezionato le sue competenze in Protesi Fissa presso l’Università di Foggia con il Prof. Rosario Prisco. Ha inoltre frequentato il corso "Full Denture and Hybrid Prosthetics" del Dr. Piero Venezia nel 2017.
Nel 2015 è stato eletto consigliere della CAO (Commissione Albo Odontoiatri) di Taranto e tutor internazionale per Rhein83. È anche relatore in congressi nazionali e internazionali, oltre ad essere autore di pubblicazioni su riviste odontoiatriche.
Laureato con lode in Odontoiatria presso l’Università degli Studi di Bari nel 2009, ha successivamente ampliato la sua formazione con il corso di Endodonzia del Dr. Giuseppe Carrieri, il corso di Implantologia AstraTech e una specializzazione in “Rigenerativa Ossea” presso l’Università di Chieti.
Attualmente svolge attività clinica privata e consulenze, continuando a perfezionarsi e a contribuire al progresso della professione odontoiatrica.
Consegue il diploma di odontotecnico presso l’istituto IPSIA Santarella di Bari 1985 ed è specializzato in protesi totale.
VIERNES, 13 DE JUNIO DE 2025 - 09.00 / 18.00
Inauguración del congreso
09.10 - E.Mancuso
Inteligencia artificial en odontología: Aplicaciones, retos y oportunidades
09.40 - A.Motroni
Diseño de prótesis e implantes asistido por inteligencia artificial: ¿oportunidad o amenaza?
10,10 - L.Santocchi and G.Allais
Seasons of oral rehabilitation
10,50 - C.Nannini
Diagnóstico y diseño en casos de desgaste dental comprometido
11,30 - E.Ferrari ed E.Giunchi
OT Equator, una solución brillante en continua evolución
12,00 - F.Bambini
Navegar por el tiempo
12,30 - G.Cannizzaro
La nobleza de la implantología mínimamente invasiva
13,30 - Lunch
14,30 - L.Lavorgna
Flujo de trabajo digital completo: un enfoque sistemático de la rehabilitación implantoprotésica
15,10 - A.Cupo, F.Barbarulo
OT Equator: la clave para una prótesis sencilla
15,50 - M.De Francesco, C.Baroncini
Los retos del flujo digital paso a paso: del diente natural a la cirugía de implantes
16,30 - M.Piscopo, L.Ruggiero
Interacciones clínico-técnicas entre lo analógico y lo digital en prótesis implantosoportadas
17,10 - A.E.Fayyad
Informes clínicos y seguimiento en restauraciones protésicas fijas utilizando el protocolo OT Bridge
17,40 - M.Sandulescu
My Journey with the OT Equator System
19,00 - Cena de gala ofrecida a todos los participantes
SÁBADO, 14 DE JUNIO DE 2025 - 09,00 / 13,00
09,00 - G.Storni
La evolución del sistema OT Bridge
09,15 - S.Catapano, C.Borromeo
Estudios in vitro y clínicos
10,00 - G.Cannizzaro, E.Ferrari, R.Nardi
Cirugía en vivo en el paciente
A.El Fayaad
M.De Francesco
D.Di Paola
Rhein83 Days 2025
Bolonia, 13/12/14 Junio 2025 - Hotel Savoia Regency
• Email ti.38niehr @isroc; ti.38niehr @kcin
• Phone +39 051 244510
• Mobile +393404788460
• Whatsapp +393404788460